Our Executive Committee
Grayson Wong
Grand Master (President)
Wong is the hottest chick I’ve ever seen in my life. In fact, his aura reaches all corners of the world.
Jonas Hinds
Grand Procurator (Vice President)
Joan is a real monke. I actually helped him escape captivity many moons ago. We also joined the Vietnam War back in the day and did our country proud.
Tyler Mullholand
Grand Mater of Ceremonies
BC, the one and only. He a real one frfr. Doesn’t eat dogs though, which is a bummer. I feel like if he expanded his taste palette more, I can be better friends with him.
Ken Suzuki
Grand Scribe
I am him.
Zachery Jacque
Grand Treasurer
Mf has been in Chicago all summer and I may have forgotten what he looks like. I think he had black hair and is Asian. Or maybe that was our previous GT. Damn, times flies when your life is falling apart.